Sunspot Number (SSN) Data are taken from SILSO: World Data Center for the production, preservation and dissemination of the international sunspot number.

Tilt Angle and Solar Polar Field Strenght data are taken from Wilcox Solar Observatory.
  • Tilt Angle data are updated about every month.
  • Solar Polar Field Strength data are updated about every 10 days.

  • Neutron Monitor count rates data are taken from NMDB.
    Solar wind speed and Proton density data are taken from Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF). These data are updated monthly.

    Other references
    ASI-SSDC CosmicRay database at the Italian Space Agency
    LPSC-CRDB, Database of Charged Cosmic Rays at LPSC/IN2P3 Grenoble
    Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory at Oulu
    NASA-SDAC, Solar Data Analysis Center
    NASA-OLTARIS, OnLine Tool for the Assessment of Radiation in Space
    NASA-OmniWeb, Web interface to the OMNI dataset
    NASA Heliophysics Data
    NASA-ModelWeb Modeling Center
    NASA-VEPO, Virtual Energetic Particle Observatory
    NASA-GSFC Voyager mission data
    NASA-JPL Voyager mission page
    SWERTO, Space Weather at Roma Tor Vergata Roma
    SOHO Solar Heliospheric Observatory
    NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center